


The nominating committee of the Alumni Association has presented the following names of candidates for the Board of Overseers; John Wheelock Elliott '74, of Boston; Henry Osborn Taylor '78, of New York, N. Y.; Francis Joseph Swayze '79, of Newark, N. J.; Charles Allerton Coolidge '81, of Boston; Charles Pelham Curtis '83, of Boston; Robert Patterson Perkins '84, of New York, N. Y.; Leonard Wood, M.D. '84, of Governor's Island, N. Y.; Benjamin Bowditch Thayer '85, of New York, N. Y.; Henry Wilder Keyes '87, of North Haverhill, N. H.; George Rublee '90, of Cornish, N. H.; Philip Mercer Rhinelander '91, of Philadelphia; Arthur Woods '92, of New York, N. Y.; David Abram Ellis '94, of Boston; Jerome Davis Greene '96, of New York, N. Y.; John Lord O'Brian '96, of Buffalo, N. Y.; Robert Hooper Stevenson, Jr., '97, of Boston; Henry Smith Thompson '99, of Concord; Samuel Smith Drury '01, of Concord, N. H.; Barrett Wendell, Jr., '02, of Boston; Franklin Delano Roosevelt '04, of New York, N. Y.

Postcard ballots will be sent to all holders of degrees from the University, and each man should mark the names of five out of the 20 candidates. The names of the ten receiving the most votes will then be placed upon the printed ballot for the election on Commencement Day. The five then selected will hold office for six years, taking the place of the following who are to retire: L. Meyer '79, W. C. Boyden '86, H. C. Lodge '71, L. E. Sexton '84, and W. Endicott '87.

The new candidates for the Board of Overseers comprise the Governor of New Hampshire, the Police Commissioner of New York City, the Assistant Secretary of the Navy, a member of the Federal Trade Commission, a major-general of the army, a bishop, a clergyman who is also a schoolmaster, a judge, a physician, a man of letters, an architect, and a representation of business men.
