
Alfred Noyes to Read War Poems

Mr. Alfred Noyes, the English poet, whose writings have been so popular in this country, will read selections from his poems and relate some of his war-time experiences in England, at the Copley Plaza this evening at 8.30 o'clock. Mr. Noyes is one of the best known of the younger English poets and his verses on the war have been widely read in this country. He has recently been lecturing on invitation of the faculty at Princeton. He will read chiefly selections from his poems on submarine warfare, which were suppressed in England by the official censor of the British War Office. The reading will be part of a fair being held at the hotel in aid of the North End Union.

The Dolly Sisters, Roszica and Yancsi, the twin stars in "His Bridal Night" at the Wilbur Theatre, have offered their services in aid of the fair and will give an exhibition in the ballroom of the hotel this afternoon.

Tickets at two dollars apiece are on sale at Herrick's and may also be purchased at the door.
