

Nation-Wide Statistics to be Collected by Intercollegiate Bureau.

Yesterday a census of all undergraduate and graduate students in Yale University was begun with the purpose of obtaining comprehensive and detailed information of the specialized training of the men in regard to military, technical and business ability which might be useful to the Government in time of war. The work is being carried on by the Intercollegiate Intelligence Bureau in order that it may be ascertained what each man is able and willing to do for service.

The census is being taken by means of a list of questions distributed among the students. The list includes inquiries concerning nature and length of a man's military training; the nature of his technical or business training; and his ability or willingness to leave his present occupation on a call of the Government. The Intercollegiate Intelligence Bureau has established a branch in every state in the Union, and is planning to make similar investigations among the undergraduates of other universities and colleges.
