
Columbia Saves the Constitution.


In ordering a sweeping investigation into the doctrines and sentiments of the faculty, the trustees of Columbia evidently have been inspired by the sacred duty of dividing the sheep from the goats.

The Columbia authorities, in starting what looks like a political heresy hunt, may unconsciously simplify life for millions of Americans. There are so many points to the Constitution and laws of the United States and the State of New York on which eminent lawyers and judges widely disagree. After the members of Columbia's faculty have been stood up in a row and catechised one by one by the committee of six trustees, there should result an elementary academic code for the guidance of all who hope to be saved in the faith and in politics. Justices of the United States Supreme Court can then turn to Dr. Butler's handy reference book to discover how far they are permitted to go in reconciling their theories of law with the acts of various legislatures. Congress need never again err by exceeding its powers so long as a single member keeps on hand a copy of the decisions of the high court of Columbia.

It will be worth while having a few dozen members of Columbia's faculty dismissed in disgrace for holding subversive principles if the rest of us can know at a moment's notice what we ought to think and believe. New York Sun.
