The prospects for a successful Freshman track team this spring are much brighter than they have been for some years past. Although there seems to be a lack of promising material in one or two of the track events, there have been an unusual number of preparatory school stars entering the University this year, and a well-balanced team, with several individual stars standing out, should be developed. The outlook is especially encouraging in that there will be several very good men entered in the field events, a department of track athletics in which the University and Freshman track teams have been comparatively weak the past few years.
Several Experienced Sprinters.
The sprints will be well taken care of by F. F. Williams and B. S. Blanchard. Both are fast runners of considerable experience, and under Coach Donovan's tutelage will undoubtedly improve. In the recent Winter Carnival Williams won the 40-yard dash and was lead-off man for the Freshman relay team, on which Blanchard was anchor man. In the quarter the team will have two men in H. B. Davis and P. E. Stevenson who have been running especially well at this distance, and they will form a stiff opposition to the quarter-milers of the opposing teams in this spring's meets. Stevenson will also run in the half-mile, and with W. H. Goodwin and J. Nolen, who ran well the past fall on the 1920 cross-country team, will comprise a trio of last men for this distance. Again in the mile run the team has some very promising material. D. J. Duggan, who has had considerable preparatory school experience, should develop into a very fast miler with proper coaching and will undoubtedly place high in the coming meets. B. Lewis and E. M. Clarke have also proved themselves good men in the fall and winter practice.
The one evident weak spot in the team will be in the hurdles. In the fall meets B. Tracy, Jr., showed unusual promise over both the high and low hurdles, but as he has left College and gone to France, Coach Donovan will be forced to seek elsewhere for a good hurdler. R. H. Post and C. F. Batchelder have had some experience as hurdlers, but neither of them are very fast, and will need a lot of coaching.
Great Strength in Field Events.
The greatest strength of the team will undoubtedly lie in the field events. In the pole vault the team will have a brilliant performer in R. H. Harwood, who is easily the most promising man the University has had for some time in this event. Harwood, who will be the team's mainstay in this department, is the National Interscholastic champion in the pole vault, and has a record of over 12 feet in competition. Of the other pole vaulters F. D. Johnson has been showing considerable promise, and should be vaulting over 11 feet in this spring's meets. J. Buffington, Jr., who has a record of five feet 10 7-8 inches in the high jump, and who won this event at the Interscholastic Meet held last year in the Stadium, will ably take care of the high jump, and should prove a source of strength to the team in its meets. P. W. Bolster has also been jumping well in the indoor practice. In the broad jump F. C. Church, Freshman football captain, and H. D. Bigelow captured this event in the Winter Carnival, and Church comes to the University with a reputation as a broad jumper of unusual promise. C. F. Batchelder, A. Horween, J. R. Litchfield and T. S. Woods have all been doing well in the shot put in the early practice, and this event should be well taken care of by these men. In the hammer throw L. K. Marshall has been showing exceptional form. He has been throwing the hammer well over 130 feet and is easily the best man in this event. R. G. Hadley and T. S. Woods have also been showing promise in the hammer.
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