The lacrosse squad is now practising daily in the cage. Emphasis is being laid chiefly on stickwork and fundamentals until the weather permits outdoor practice, when more attention will be given to team play. Practice has been arranged so that it will not conflict with the lectures in Military Science.
Prospects for a good season are bright. Four men graduated last spring, E. E O'Neil, first defence; E. L. Black, second defence; G. F. Beal, third defence; and S. E. Nash, first attack. R. H. Franzen '17, in home, graduated at mid-years, and G. F. Freer '18, centre, has gone to France. This leaves six men from last year's team: Captain R. Z. Crane '17 goal; H. F. Sullivan '17, point; W. B. Snow '18, coverpoint; L. U. Miller '18, third attack; H. M. Dampman '18, second attack; and G. B. Hebb '17, out home. M. Lovett '18, captain of his Freshman team, who was on probation last year, should add much strength to the team. J. K. Desmond '19, who formerly played on the Lehigh team, will be another good man for the University.
Besides these are several men from last year's Freshman team. J. D. Hale, the captain of last year, will probably fill one of the defence positions. W. A. Dole, who played coverpoint, will have to be reckoned with also. J. S. Meyers was one of the chief factors in the Freshman offence last year, playing out home, and he will probably be a strong contender for the position this year. H. W. O'Neil, centre, is another good man.
Practice has been very satisfactory so far. As soon as the weather permits, the squad will get outside. W. E. Nightingale, captain of the 1915 team, E. E. O'Neil '16, captain of last year's team, and G. F. Beal '16 are helping to coach the team until Coach Arthur Warwick arrives from Toronto.
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