Plans for the University boxing and wrestling championships, to be held in the Union Friday night, are rapidly being completed. The preliminary bouts in both the boxing and the wrestling will be held tomorrow afternoon in the Hemenway Gymnasium, and the finals in the Union Friday at 8 o'clock. An innovation has been hit upon this year in having the championships of both these sports held in the Union on the same evening, and the matches will have added interest this year on that account.
In the wrestling the events will be open to all members of the University, and the H. A. A. will give medals to the men in the finals of each class. On account of the short notice given (of the wrestling championships) the contestants will be allowed six pounds overweight in the preliminary matches, but in the finals only the regular four pounds overweight will be allowed. Entries may also be made until 4 o'clock tomorrow, when the preliminaries will be held in the wrestling room of the Gymnasium, but strength tests must be taken before that time. All the members of the Freshman and University teams, and several men in the Law and Business Schools who have had considerable experience in the wrestling rings of other colleges; have entered, and it is certain that there will be many close matches. The bouts will be nine minutes in length, and will be refereed by Coach Sam Anderson, of the University wrestling team, and ex-middleweight champion of the world.
W. Hamilton, of the Boston Herald, will referee the boxing preliminaries, and the judges will be Steven Mahoney, of the Boston Traveler, and John Mellaney, of the Boston Journal. The finals will be held in the Union Friday night. As in the wrestling, silver and bronze medals will be given to the winners in each class. Each man will have one professional and one amateur second to advise him.
Manager L. H. Bevier '17 has succeeded in obtaining the use of the B. A. A. ring for Friday night's matches. The referee and judges will also come from the B. A. A.
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