

Coach Duffy Drilled Candidates in Art of Stealing Bases.

Batting and pitching practice was the order of the day for the University baseball candidates in the cage yesterday afternoon. The first cut, which came yesterday morning thinned out the ranks enough to enable Coach Duffy to give more individual attention to the survivors. The fielding practice was cut to ten minutes and the remainder of the time was devoted to teaching the men how to get a lead off first base and how to steal bases. Some practice was also given the catchers in throwing down to second.

Thirty-five Freshmen fielders reported yesterday for the first time, swelling the 1920 squad to 43. The men were given a thorough work out with the emphasis laid on the batting. R. A. Lancaster showed up well for the Freshman battery and W. G. Brocker, of last fall's 1920 football team, did promising work in the pitcher's box. Until the weather permits of outdoor practice, Coach Ball intends to emphasize the work in batting and fielding.
