
Obedience Needed.


The habit of obedience is unhappily too rare among the youth of this country. To this defect in their education may be traced much of the inefficiency and lack of method which too often characterize them in manhood. Our American youth stand in imperative need of military training, which alone may inculcate lessons of obedience, self-control, discipline, initiative and efficiency in teamwork.

Every good cause thrives by opposition. The illogical antagonism of the so-called pacifists brings into bold relief the value of discipline and methodical life incident to military training. One valuable result of their opposition has been a renascence of the patriotic spirit of our youth, who today clamor for participation in the various training camps. Never since the last war has this vitalizing element made itself so plainly evident.

New York state and the country at large are to be congratulated on the prompt and wise execution of the Slater-Welsh law, passed by our far seeing legislators, under the guidance of Governor Whitman. The early fulfillment by Dr. Finley of the promise of the military training commission, created by the Slater bill, that "military training, would become part of a later program outside the schools," is warrant for the future development of a high order of disciplined youth in our state schools. New York Sun.
