

Freshmen Will Also Assemble at Widener for Photograph.

The Senior and Freshman Class pictures are to be taken on the steps of Widener Library next Monday at 1 o'clock. Because of the international situation which may require large numbers of undergraduates to leave College at short notice, it was decided yesterday by the two photograph committees to have the pictures taken as soon as possible. One result of this advancement of the date will be that the Class of 1917 will have to be photographed without their caps and gowns, which will not arrive for some time. Furthermore, for the first time in many years the Seniors will not make the customary collection from the Freshmen before their picture is taken, instead the financial aid for the Senior Picnic will come directly from the 1920 class fund.

In order that the pictures may be taken with as little inconvenience to both classes as possible, it will be necessary for all men to be at Widener promptly at 1 o'clock. It is possible that another picture of the Seniors in caps and gowns will be taken later.
