
Patriotic Mass Meeting in Boston

A monster mass meeting will be held in the Boston Opera House tomorrow night at 8.30 o'clock under the auspices of the Committee of the Patriotic and Civic Organizations of Massachusetts. Resolutions similar to those adopted at the Madison Square Garden meeting in New York will be read, urging that Congress take definite action consistent with national honor.

The meeting will be presided over by Mayor Curley and the speakers of the evening will include Governor McCall, the Honorable J. D. Sullivan, corporation counsel, the Honorable Herbert Carker, and the Reverend Paul Revere Frothingham '86. The doors will be open to the general public at 7.30. A limited number of reserved seats are, however, available to members of the University at the office of the Special Aid Society, 541 Boylston street, Boston.
