A "Preparedness Smoker" will be held by the Junior Class in the Union this evening at 8 o'clock. The 1918 entertainment committee has arranged a program of moving pictures all of which are concerned with war and America's plans for preparedness. Humorous films dealing with battle will also be shown, and the Regimental Band will play both popular and national airs.
Special permission has been secured from Franklin D. Roosevelt '04, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, to enhibit the Government film entitled; "America Preparing," in which the various aspects of the nation-wide movement for adequate defences will be shown. "War As It Really Is" will be another of the films to be shown. This picture was photographed by D. C. Thompson, war correspondent of Leslie's Weekly, while he was under fire. It is recommended by the United States Naval War College, and reveals actual trench fighting, and the Germans marching through Belgium.
Among the other pictures on the program is "With the Army in Mexico," a film taken by a special representative of the Government. The comic reels include "Mutt and Jeff in the Trenches" and "Mutt and Jeff in the National Guard." Each is a series of animated cartoons by Bud Fisher.
This will probably be the last smoker that the Junior Class will give this year, and all members of the Class of 1918 are urged to attend. The usual refreshments including beer, ginger ale and pretzels will be served. Cigarettes will also be provided.
The smokers this year have been run according to the desires of the class as expressed on post cards sent out by the Entertainment Committee.
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