

Lectures on South America Will be Open to Members of University.

A series of lectures on "Spanish-American Countries" will be given in History 56, the History of South America, by visiting lecturers during the course of the present term. Dr. Klein, who is in charge of the course has secured a number of men eminent in their fields to speak.

The first of these will be Professor J. Bravo Labarca, of the Commercial Institute of Valparaiso, Chili. He will deliver two lectures on April 3 and 5, his subject being "The Recent Diplomatic and Political History of Chili." Professor Labarca has been sent to this country by the Chilean government to study the courses in commercial education in the United States. During his stay here he will visit the various educational institutions.

Phanor J. Eder '03, LL.B., a member of the New York bar who has written a number of books on Coloumbia, and who has often represented that country in diplomatic relations, will be the second lecturer. He will speak April 7 and 10 on "The Recent Diplomatic History of Colombia."

On April 12 Francisco J. Pezet, former minister of Peru to the United States, will speak on "The Diplomatic History of Peru," treating particularly those phases that concern this country. William Belmont Parker '97, of the firm of S. Pearson and Company, New York City, will speak on "Economic Aspects of Recent Mexican History" on April 28 and May 1. The firm of S. Pearson and Son has taken a conspicuous part in the development of Mexican resources, particularly petroleum.

Professor Leo S. Rowe, of the University of Pennsylvania, will discuss "The Relations Between the United States and Mexico Since 1911" on May 3 and 5. Professor Rowe served as secretary of the recent American-Mexican border commission. The last lecture will be given by Romulo S. Naon, Argentine ambassador to the United States, on May 17. His subject will be "Argentine Diplomacy."


All the lectures will be given in Emerson J at 12 o'clock, and will be open to all members of the University.
