

American Universities to be at Disposal of Government in Event of War With Germany.

With Congress convening on April-2 to consider a declaration of war, colleges throughout the country are placing all their resources and equipment at the disposal of the Government. The great scientific laboratories of flumerous universities have been opened to Government experts to make such experiments as they wish. Dormitories have been offered for barracks and campuses for drill.

Princeton was one of the first Institutions to pledge its resources to the nation. As soon as the break occurred in the relations with Germany, President Hibben formally put the entire mechanical equipment and apparatus of the university at the command of the Federal Government. This offer was immediately ratified by the faculty, and if the Princeton campus is wanted as a training camp, the Government can use it.

As a part of the preparedness program at Yale University, the Sheffield Scientific School has voted to offer, in event of hostilities, the complete apparatus of the school as well as the laboratories for such uses as the Government might desire. In an interview in the Yale News, Dean Jones said that if war came he would like to see the university grounds turned into a training camp, the "Commons" dining hall used as a mess room, the dormitories as barracks, and the athletic fields as parade grounds.

M. I. T. to Give Over Plant.

Immediately after the present crisis arose President Maclaurin, of the Institute of Technology, offered to the Government the services of the entire instructing staff and of the laboratories. The Institute has made arrangements whereby its new laboratory for internal combustion engines may be used for the instruction of the motor boat patrol squadron.


Moreover, the chemical laboratories of Johns Hopkins, Pennsylvania, Columbia and numerous other colleges have been opened to Government experts. Likewise the great Tufts wireless tower is offered as a central station for New England.
