
Reserve Officers' Training Corps

March 24, 1917.


1. Instructors, head monitors and first sergeants will submit to the Commandant's Office, 1 University Hall, a daily attendance report (using the prescribed form) of their respective section, lecture group or company, showing those present and absent. A check mark (x) will be made opposite the name of each cadet present and "abs" opposite the names of those absent. This report will be signed by the instructor, head monitor or first sergeant, and will be turned in on the same day as the meeting of the section, etc.

2. A room has been set aside for office use of the instructors, cadet officers, first sergeants and head monitors. This room is located in the centre of the basement of University Hall, and is designated as Room X. In the pigeon holes of the wall cabinet will be placed the necessary blank forms, other papers and memoranda, affecting each section, lecture group or company. Here the first sergeants will find returned their reports which are sent daily to the Commandant's Office. The instructor's notes, problems, etc., which have been submitted to the Professors of Military Science and Tactics will likewise, be returned to them.

No other persons will make use of Room X.


3. Hereafter, greater care must be exercised in the making of reports and their transmission must not be delayed.   C. CORDIER,   Captain, U. S. Army, Commandant,


Section Room A has been moved from the south end to the centre of the basement of University Hall, on the same side.


Members of the R. O. T. C. who own automobiles or motorcycles or can get them for use, especially Saturday and Sunday, leave information regarding same, and names, addresses and telephone numbers at Weld 3.
