

New Course Investigating Ores Under Microscope to be Given by Prof. Graton.

The announcement of the Division of Geology for next year has just appeared. this pamphlet has been very considerably enlarged and contains several features not before published. One of the most important of these is the announcement that the department of geology, independently of the Engineering Department, will henceforth co-operate with M. I. T. In accordance with this arrangement, Professor W. Lindgrew will give courses in economic geology at the University, and graduate students may also take certain other advanced courses at M. I. T.

The announcement contains for the first time a statement of the terms of the Shaler Memorial Fund Endowment, given by alumni of the University in 1907, in memory of the long service of Professor Nathaniel Southgate Shaler '62, now amounting to more than $30,000. This fund is devoted to the support of original research.

One of the noteworthy features of the announcement is a new course by Professor Louis Caryl Graton, to be known as Geology 11. This course will be unique; nothing of the kind is given in any other college or university in the United States. The work will consist of the investigation of ores under the microscope. Specimens have been sent in by many mining companies and opportunities will thus be given to solve problems in actual practice.

The other important changes in courses are as follows: Geology 2hf., by Associate Professor Woodworth, omitted this year, will be given, and Geology 19hf., by Professor Daly, will be omitted. Geology 18 will be divided into two half-courses, to be given in the first half-year by Professors Wolff and Palache, and in the second half-year by Professors Graton and Jeffrey. Geography 7 hf. and 15 hf. by Professor Atwood, will be omitted.
