

University Team Strengthened by Return of Captain W. H. Russell '18 to Lineup.

The University fencing team, strengthened by the return of Captain W. H. Russell '18, will meet Columbia in the Hemenway Gymnasium this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The showing of the team tomorrow will determine to a great extent what may be expected of it in the intercollegiate meet, which will be held at the Hotel Astor in New York on April 6 and 7.

The University had an unblemished record before encountering Yale. In the first meet of the season Bowdoin was defeated 7 to 2, and in the second Spring-field Y. M. C. A. was overcome by the same score. Pennsylvania was beaten 8 to 1. The Yale meet in which the University was defeated 7 to 2 can hardly be taken as a fair test of the team's strength, since Captain Russell was lost to the team through illness.

Columbia will bring three experienced fencers to Cambridge, Captain Allison, Armand and Valentine, all of whom were on the team last year. The blue and white defeated Yale 5 to 4, and Pennsylvania was overcome by the same score. The Columbia team, however, lost to the Navy 5 to 4.

The University team will be composed of Captain W. H. Russell '18, R. G. Crimmins '19 and E. R. Gay '19.
