

Co-operation With Allies Urged at Last Night's Meeting in Boston.

The Harvard Club at its annual meeting last night passed the following resolution in support of the President. Copies will be sent to the President, the Cabinet, all Senators and Representatives, and to all the Harvard Clubs in the world. The complete text follows:

RESOLVED: That the recent severance of diplomatic relations with the German Empire by the Government of the United States of America was fully justified by the events which preceded and have succeeded it.

That the United States of America, in fidelity to their traditions and the principles of human freedom which they represent, of right and and in duty ought to be, from now henceforward, in active and loyal co-operation with the nations leaged against the common enemy, and that the military, naval, industrial, and financial resources of the people of the United States of America should be promptly and vigorously organized, mobilized, and used to that end.

That the Harvard Club of Boston pledges its steadfast and loyal support to the President of the United States of America in his leadership of the people to assert their rights on land and sea, and to uphold national honor and international justice.
