

All Men Should See Higginson at Crimson Building Tonight at 7.

Enrolment of members of the University for the two new sections of the Norton-Harjes Ambulance Corps starts today. One condition only has been made by the donor of the funds necessary to run the two sections, that the full number of 80 men be obtained in order to make the organization of the new units a complete success, and the drivers will not sail until the quota is obtained. It is absolutely essential, therefore, that 80 volunteers be secured immediately, in order to assure the sailing within a month. Recruiting is now being initiated throughout various other colleges and institutions of the East.

C. Higginson, Jr., '17 has charge of the enlisting of members of the University and all men interested should see him at the CRIMSON Building, 14 Plympton street, this evening or tomorrow at 7 o'clock. If unable to come at that time men should leave their names at the CRIMSON.
