The spring season for the University and Freshman track teams begins today at 3 o'clock when all candidates are to report at Soldiers Field. Practice for those who have been running during the winter, but are not in training now, will start Monday, March 26.
With less than eight weeks before the dual meet with Yale, the track squad needs much hard practice before it can be rounded into a winning aggregation. The Elis have the most formidable and best-balanced team in years, and if the University is to beat them on May 12, the team has plenty of work to do between now and then.
The undergraduate track committee, recently appointed by Captain E. A. Teschner '17, has made a thorough investigation of the condition of track in the University, and will present its report to C. C. Little '10, chairman of the Graduate Committee at a meeting tonight. The former committee has not been merely an agency to help bring men out for track, but it has laid a finger upon many of the causes of the criticisms which have been made, and, in its report, has recommended definite measures to eradicate these faults. With the approval of the Graduate Committee much will be done to organize track on a more favorable basis, and to increase the chances of developing teams of a consistently high standard. To aid in this work an attempt will be made to arouse greater undergraduate interest in track.
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