The University swimming team will meet Amherst at the Boston Y. M. C. A. tank tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock in the fourth meet of the season. F. S. Swayze '19 will be second man on the relay in place of S. J. Rogers '17. Wesleyan has barely defeated both the University and Amherst so that the contest is sure to be a close one. Reserved seats at 50 cents may be secured from any of the managers, the H. A. A. or the Boston Y. M. C. A.
The University entries follow:
Relay: R. B. Jackson '19, F. S. Swayze '19, H. Wentworth '17, C. U. Shreve '19.
50-yard dash: F. S. Swayze '19, H. Wentworth '17.
100-yard dash: S. J. Rogers '17, H. Wentworth '17.
Dive: M. B. Blanchard '18, B. McNear '19.
Plunge: S. H. Wirt '19.
220-yard swim: R. E. Jackson '19, S. J. Rogers '17.
J. H. Quirin '19, of Manchester, N. H., 1919 Freshman manager, has been appointed second assistant manager of the University swimming team. The following Freshmen have been awarded their swimming numerals:
Captain Ralph Gorman Hadley, of Cambridge; Randolph Ashton, of Swarthmore, Pa.; Robert Gregg Stone, of Brookline; Paul Kendricken Thomas, of Peoria, Ill.; Gardner Tilton, of Lexington; Gurdon Saltonstall Worcester, of Boston; Levi Jeptha Workum, of Cincinnati, Ohio; and Manager Clement Hayes Watson, of Lyons, N. Y. These appointments and awards are subject to the approval of the Athletic Committee and the Student Council.
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