

College Men Have Opportunity to Gain Practical Experience Before Being Sent Abroad.

With the purpose of training college men for service in the foreign banking and trade of the United States, particularly in connection with the countries of South America, the National City Bank of New York has organized a group of foreign service training classes. In order to give opportunities to those men most suited for this service the Bank has made arrangements with 16 colleges and universities throughout the country, including the University, from which qualified and interested men are to be chosen. Those men only are wanted who are seriously contemplating taking up their life work in foreign banking and trade.

The students who are accepted will spend a total time of one year at the bank. Sophomores will devote two summer vacations and six months after the close of their Senior years and Juniors their remaining vacation and nine months after graduation in the training. Each student entering the bank will be required to pursue certain courses of study, such as banking, foreign exchange, credits, economics and commercial geography. The laboratory feature of the course will be maintained by the rotation of the student through the important departments of he bank, each one consuming from 2 to 17 weeks.

During the period of training the bank will pay members of the class $60 a month, an amount calculated to cover living expenses, and their transportation if it does not exceed $150. When the course is completed the men will be detailed to such positions in the foreign branches of the National City Bank as may be available. The branches are situated in Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Santos, Valparaiso, Havana, Hong Kong, Kobe, Panama, Genoa, Petrograd and London. It must be remembered by prospective candidates that their services are primarily at the disposal of the bank when the course is completed, and no selection of post can be promised.

All nominations for positions in the class must be submitted by April 1. Those men in the University who are interested in the course of work described may obtain further information on application to Professor O. M. W. Sprague '94 in Widener 473.
