


At the practice debate between the members of the University debating team held in the New Lecture Hall last night the teams which will represent the University in the triangular meet with Princeton and Yale were chosen. A. R. Ginsburg '17, C. E. Fraser '18 and W. L. Prosser '18 will compose the negative team that will debate Yale in Sanders Theatre March 23. J. H. Spitz '17, A. G. Aldis '17 and L. Dennis '19 will be the three members of the affirmative team which goes to Princeton on the same date. Four alternates were chosen: J. Davis '19, W. A. Hosmer '18, W. Hettleman '19 and L. Brentano '18. One of these men will go with the affirmative team to Princeton as alternate, and the remaining three will be the alternates for the Cambridge debate.

As has been the custom in the triangular debates between Princeton, Yale and the University the negative team of each university will debate at home and the affirmative debaters away. Yale and the University will meet at Cambridge, Princeton and the University at Princeton, and Yale and Princeton at New Haven.

In this year's question, "Resolved that after the present war, the United States should so far depart from her traditional policies as to participate in the organization of a league of powers to enforce peace," the debating councils of the three universities have agreed that the term "a league to enforce peace" has the meaning embodied in the four proposals, as set forth in the platform of the American League to Enforce Peace.

The third judge with Mr. George W. Anderson and Mr. Charles W. Parmenter, and the presiding officer have not yet been announced. The canvassing of the dormitories started yesterday to sell tickets for the debate, in order to help defray the expenses of the team going to Princeton. Tickets at 25, 50, 75 cents and one dollar may also be secured at Amee Brothers, the Co-operative Branch, Herrick's and from Manager M. M. Roth '17, 57 Thayer Hall.
