


Two committees are now at work investigating the University track situation and a report of their endeavors will be made public within the near future. Both are going into the matter thoroughly, all problems being considered.

Captain E. A. Teschner '17 has appointed an undergraduate committee to help him in reorganizing the track system. The committee is composed of the following: W. Willcox, Jr., '17, chairman; H. W. Minot '17, J. F. Ryan '19, C. S. Babbitt '18, and J. D. Hutchinson '19. The committee was selected with the end in view of including a representative of each department in track.

A wide and sweeping investigation of the situation will be conducted, the aim of the track management being to secure a system in the sport as detailed and as comprehensive as that in football. This lack of system, it is said, is the fundamental weakness in the track team, as the presence of system is the fundamental strength in the football team. If a reorganization of track can be brought about on a systematic basis, the success of the University in this sport will be greatly increased. On this contention the committee appointed will base its investigation.

Graduate Committee Active.

In another column of the CRIMSON appears a communication from the chairman of the Graduate Track Committee. This committee, reorganized last spring, besides the chairman consists of C. C. Little '10, H. Jaques '11, W. A. Barron '14, R. C. Floyd '11, J. Greenough '15, E. A. Teschner '17, Theodore Clark '17 and Coach Donovan, ex-officio. It was organized to afford a means of graduate supervision of track athletics. It meets regularly weekly or bi-weekly from September until June. At its meetings the performance of individual runners is discussed and ways and means put into effect for bettering the same. Thus recently a series of talks by graduates based on actual racing have been instituted. The first of these given by Herbert Jaques '11 recently was highly successful. The general policy of the team in regard to its intercollegiate activities is defined and attempts made to expand the field of activity. Thus this winter a triangular meet with Pennsylvania and Dartmouth and a dual meet with Worces- ter were staged.


In short this committee aims to better present conditions and further track interests to the fullest possible extent and is ready for co-operation or intelligent criticism from undergraduate sources
