

Subcommittee Appointed In Effort to Collect Sum of $1,300 Before Next Monday.

At a meeting of the 1918 finance committee held last night it was decided to make a rapid and thorough canvass of the class for funds for the class treasury. Very little has been subscribed this year and as $1,300 will be needed to cover all expenses, the money must be collected at once. The class has held two smokers as Juniors, the bills for which have not yet been paid, and the class credit has been strained to the limit. On this account it is absolutely necessary to have money to pay these bills before plans for the coming dinner and other smokers can be considered. As in previous years, fifty per cent, of the cost will be borne by the class funds and fifty per cent, by those attending the dinner, but unless the 1918 treasury is repelled immediately the committee will be unable to go ahead with its present plans.

In order to make the work more efficient the following subcommittee has been appointed to aid in the canvassing for funds: R. H. Garrison '18, J. Palache '18, and A. D. Weld '18. An active campaign to secure money will be initiated today. The need of funds is pressing, and if the activities of the class for the present year are to be continued money must be had. The canvassing which starts today will include all the members of the class and will close Monday, March 19.
