The tenth annual meeting of the Eastern Massachusetts section of the Classical Association of New England will be held in Harvard Hall tomorrow morning. The Association holds besides its annual meeting, sectional conferences in the various states of which this is one. Professor G. H. Chase '96, curator of Classical Antiquities, is a member of the Executive Committee. The program follows:
10: A word of welcome. Dr. Samuel V. Cole, president of Wheaton College, president of the section.
10.15: Cicero's Rhetorical Theory and Stoic Philosophy. Mr. Hack.
10.35: The Present Situation in Greece. Dr. A. E. Phoutrides '11.
10.55: Some Aspects of Exposition in Greek Tragedy. Dr. Evelyn Spring, Wheaton College.
11.15: Charles Pomeroy Parker and the Classical Tradition. Professor E.K. Rand '94.
11.35: Discussion of Timely Topics. The discussion will be opened by Dr. A. W. Roberts, of the Brookline High School.
12: Lantern Talk; Recent Acquisitions of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Dr. D. Caskey, Museum of Fine Arts.
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