

1920 Dropped 6 to 0 Scrimmage in Arena With Louderback Starring as Goal Tender.

The Freshmen were the opponents of the University hockey team in yesterday's practice at the Arena, and although they put up a very much better game than the last time they played the University, the latter were not pushed to score six goals and blank the yearlings. The scrimmage was uninteresting, however, as neither team showed any great brilliancy.

G. Townsend '17 and G. A. Percy '18 each scored two of the goals and the remaining two were made by E. O. Baker '17 and W. W. Rice '18. Four of these were shoved in from rough scrimmages in front of the Freshman goal, but Rice's and one of Percy's were the result of short shots about 20 feet from the net.

The Freshmen had a hard time keeping the puck out of the corners behind their goal, but the regulars spent a great deal of time trying to score from close to. The fact that the score was no larger was due partly, to the ineffectiveness of the University, but also to the excellent playing of W. J. Louderback '20 in the 1920 goal. If there was one sensational feature of the afternoon's practice it was the difficult stops he made.

When J. Stubbs '20 and E. Cabot '20 who were easily the Freshman stars, occasionally broke loose down the ice, the University defence was always capable of stopping them. The regulars would carry the puck back into the Freshmen's half of the rink with a pretty display of passing back and forth, but though the mid-rink offence was good the close-in work failed.

On the whole, however, the men seem to be working back into form. Dr. Frothingham said he would not let T. C. Thacher '18 get on the ice this week, but T. H. Eckfeldt '17 has been filling his place at coverpoint effectively and will probably start against McGill.
