It has been decided to allow students to enter Government 4 at the beginning of the second half-year and count it as a half-course. Government 4 has always been a full course given by Professor G. G. Wilson, about international law. Since the last half of this course deals with the international law of war, it was thought that many would like to take such a course at this time, and the provision has been made to enable new men to take it this half-year under the name of Government 4b. This particular course takes up the principles of international war as illustrated in historical cases, and then these same principles are applied to questions arising from the current events of the day. For this reason this course was considered to be of timely interest at the present time when the war in Europe is developing daily any number of laboratory cases for students to discuss in connection with the principles learned in Government 4b. The second half-year is entirely devoted to the consideration of the laws and rules of modern warfare.
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