
"My Country Right or Wrong."


To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

In view of the grave developments that have taken place since my letter was published in Saturday's CRIMSON, I think it behooves me to make a few statements as to my personal attitude. I believe that this country has made the greatest mistake in its history and I am terribly sorry. As I have already indicated, I think the reasons for breaking off diplomatic relations are not at all sufficient, and I hope that some day this country will come to realize this. It will be a very sad awakening, but it will do us a world of good.

However, the die has now been cast, and it is up to everybody worthy of the name of American to abide by its consequences. I sincerely believe that I am speaking for all German-Americans when I say that we will support the President through thick and thin and rise and fall with him. We may not enter into the conflict, if there is to be a conflict, as joyfully and eagerly as some others, but though our hearts are heavy and our souls are sick we see our duty clearly, and will not hestitate to perform it.

"My country right or wrong, but still my country." W. W. HOFFMAN '19.
