

Hemenway Gymnasium Will be Scene of Second Tournament of New England Association.

The New England Wrestling Association will hold its second annual tournament in Hemenway Gymnasium Saturday night. Besides the University team, representatives from Yale, Technology, Brown, Tufts, Bates and the Springfield Y. M. C. A. will compete.

It is expected that the meet will be unusually closely contested. The University team has proved in its earlier contests of the season that it is well above the average standard; victories over Andover by a score of 24 to 6, Brown by 21 to 3, Columbia by 24 to 0 and Technology by 13 to 10 were marked by the fact that none of the points of the opponents came from straight falls. Yale, on the other hand, has beaten Columbia and Pennsylvania.

In the 125-pound class, E. F. Davidson '17, who placed second in this event last year, seems the logical winner. Potter of Yale, last year's winner in the 158-pound class, is again a competitor, and Baldridge of Yale, who won the 1916 heavyweight class, is also returning.

S. Burnham '19, captain of last year's Freshman team, who represents the University in the 175-pound class, has an enviable record, and should place well in his event, H. G. Killam '18 is also a strong entry in the 145-pound class.

Gold medals will be awarded to the winners in the seven classes. First place will count four points and second and third two and one respectively, with one-half point added if a fall is secured. The preliminary bouts will be held Saturday afternoon and the finals in the evening.


The University entries are as follows: 115-pound class, H. L. Ettlinger '18; 125-pound class, E. L. Davidson '17; 135-pound class, R. W. Killam '19; 145-pound class, H. G. Killam '19; 158-pound class, O. R. Lindersmith '17; 175-pound class, S. Burnham '19; heavyweight class, W. B. Snow '18.
