

Club Will Hold Open Meeting in Phillips Brooks House Monday.

At the last meeting of the executive committee of the Dramatic Club the following men were appointed to have charge of the club's spring production:

Business manager, Philip Curtis Lewis '17, of Indianapolis, Ind.; assistant business manager, Abraham Morris Sonnabend '18, of Roxbury; stage manager, Richard Arnold May '18, of Groton; assistant stage managers, Randolph Kunhardt Byers '18, of North Andover, Stanley Burnham '19, of Gloucester, and Charles Upton Shreve, 3d, '19, of Detroit, Mich.; publicity manager, Clarence Bertram Irving '19, of Framingham Centre; property manager, Albert Robinson Speare '19, of Newton Centre; electrician, Samuel Winthrop Dean '19, of Lexington; costume manager, George Allen Whittemore '18, of Brookline.

James Miller Parmelee '19, of Buffalo, N. Y., was appointed to the executive committee to take the place of Harmon Bushnell Craig '19, of Boston, who has gone to France.

The open meeting of the Dramatic Club will be held in Peabody Hall, Phillips Brooks House, next Monday evening at 7.30 o'clock. Professor G. P. Baker '87 will probably speak. The plays will be read and a general outline of the spring production will be given. All students who wish to compete for parts in the plays are to be present at this meeting. Trials of candidates will be held during the two days following, and rehearsals will begin this week.
