

A department of the Naval Reserve has come into existence recently on account of the increased value and activity of the submarine in modern naval warfare. Beginning with the efforts of a number of individuals who built a fast type of small cruiser for the destruction of submarines, the movement has been received most favorably and finally the Government has authorized the organizing of patrol boat squadrons along the Atlantic coast. A course is now being given at the Charlestown Navy Yard as a part of the instruction for admittance into the Naval Reserve to enable men to run one of these patrol boats in time of war. Since each boat has a crew of only five men, it is possible for a small group of friends to form a unit of their own, and in this way be assured of congenial companionship during the term of training. In case of an actual invasion or war on our shipping no element of our defensive system would be in greater need of being well prepared than the patrol boat squadrons. Many who have found it impossible to join a military organization might find that the work required at the Navy Yard could be fitted in to their schedules for this year. At least it would do no harm for these men to hear what Lieutenant Bernard says tonight at the Union.
