

Reception for Professor Blanchard to Follow Election Tomorrow.

The annual meeting of the Cercle Francais will be held in Grays 17 tomorrow at 7.30 o'clock to elect officers for the year 1917-18. The following nominations have been made by the nominating committee:

President: Louis Maurice Quirin '19, of Manchester, N. H.; vice-president, Peter Arrell Brown Widener '19, of Elkins Park, Pa.; secretary, Edgar Scott, Jr., '20, of Lansdowne, Pa.; treasurer, Paul Kingsbury Fisher '20, of Sarance Lake, N. Y.; councillors, Robert Dudley Longyear '18, of Brookline, and Hardinge Scholle '18, of Havana, Cuba.

Independent nominations may be made by any five active members, but such nominations signed by the five proposers, shall be handed in to the secretary in time to be posted before the annual meeting.

The election, will be followed by a reception for Professor Raoul Blanchard, of the University of Grenoble. All members are earnestly requested to be present.
