

Crimson Offers Positions on Board to Three Lower Classes.

A second call is made for candidates for the news, editorial and business staffs of the CRIMSON. The news competition is especially valuable for those who intend to take up journalism after College and the work will give a valuable knowledge of University institutions that is impossible to obtain in any other way. All Sophomores and Freshmen are eligible for this competition, which is the last opportunity for 1919 men to make the CRIMSON as news editors.

The editorial competition is open only to Juniors. Men are selected for their ability to write clear, forceful editorials on subjects connected with the life of the University. This is the last opportunity for Juniors to make the Board. Additional candidates for these two competitions will report at the CRIMSON Building, 14 Plympton street, this evening at 7 o'clock. Men who come out at this time will be handicapped in no way.

Sophomores and Freshmen who intend to compete for the business staff are to get in touch with the business manager at once. The work of a business candidate will bring him in touch with large business houses throughout the East and such work will give a highly valuable training to any one who contemplates a business career. Two positions on the staff are open to Sophomores, and Freshmen will be taken on according to the ability of the candidates.
