

Phillips Brooks House Association and Constituent Societies Will Vote From 8 to 6.30.

Polls will be open in Phillips Brooks House today from 8 to 5 o'clock for the election of officers for the year 1917-1918. In accordance with provisions of the constitution, the election will be by the Australian ballot system. All members of the Phillips Brooks House Association or of any constituent society are eligible to vote. The constituent societies include the Christian Association, the St. Paul's Society, the St. Paul's Catholic Club, the Graduate School Society, the Law School Society and the Medical School Society.

The complete list of officers nominated follows:

President: Charles Parker Reynolds '18, of Readville; Paul Squibb '18, of Bernardsville, N. J.

Vice-President: Lloyd Kirkham Garrison '19, of New York, N. Y.; Duncan Hicks Read '19, of Purchase, N. Y.

Secretary: Ellerton James Brehaut '18, of Manchester, N. H.; Alexander Ector Orr Munsell '18, of Chestnut Hill.


Treasurer: Cass Canfield '19, of Roslyn, L. I., N. Y.; Russell Cobb '19, of New York, N. Y.; Augustus Thorndike, Jr., '19, of Boston.

Librarian: Ralph Shepard Damon '18, of Waterloo, N. Y.; Royal Little '19, of Brookline.
