

Freshman Candidates Also to be at Boat-house at 4 O'Clock.

All candidates for the University crew will report dressed to row at the Newell Boathouse today at 4 o'clock. Coach Haines will briefly outline the plans for the coming season, and Dr. Denny will speak on the subject of training. An important announcement in regard to the Reserve Officers Training Corps will be made by Captain H. B. Cabot '17. In order that there may be no conflict between the rowing and the academic work of candidates, especially in the case of Military Science and Tactics 1, it will be necessary for each man to have with him a copy of his schedule, including particularly his hours for military drill, sections and lectures.

The men will be graded for a time into University crews and each candidate will be given a thorough trial. Later the lower crews will be divided into class boats, which will compete in the annual spring regatta.

All Freshman crews are also to report at Newell at 4, in order to hear Captain Cabot's announcement.
