In order that the work of candidates in the various branches of University athletics will not interfere with the drill hours of men in Military Science and Tactics 1 the following resolution has been made by the four major-sport captains:
On account of the present international crisis and the urgent need for trained officers, we, the undersigned, have agreed to cancel all Monday practices of the four major sport teams, in order that all athletes may have the opportunity of enrolling in the R. O. T. C. and of giving one afternoon a week to the practical drill required. G. E. ABBOT. H. B. CABOT. J. E. P. MORGAN. E. A. TESCHNER.
In accordance with the plan, Captain Cordier stated last night that special companies will be established for the athletes, which will perform the week's drill on Monday afternoons and evenings in two periods of two hours each.
Captain A. W. Bjornstadt, U. S. A., in charge of the Reserve Army Section of the War Department, visited Cambridge yesterday for the purpose of conferring with Captain Cordier and President Lowell. Captain Bjornstadt stated that the War Department heartily approved of Captain Cordier's program of instruction and that other officers and non-commissioned officers would be detailed to assist him.
"When this plan is in full running order, which take a few weeks to effect," said Captain Bjornstadt, "it will be the most comprehensive program of training for reserve officers in the United States."
Physical Requirements Modified.
A modification of the physical requirements necessary for enlistment in the R. O. T. C. has been authorized by the War Department. Defects of vision resulting from errors of refraction which are not excessive and which may be entirely corrected by glasses, do not disqualify unless they are due to or accompanied by organic diseases. Such students should report to Dr. Lee for re-examination. On account of this new ruling enrolments may be made until noon on Tuesday. The present number enrolled is 986. Company and section work starts today, lectures next week.
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Reserve Officers' Training Corps