Below is the complete revised list of box groups for the Junior Dance to be held in the Union on Monday night. The dance will begin promptly at 9 o'clock. Dance orders may be obtained by applying to the Committee, which will hold office hours in 9 Bow street from 1 to 2.30 o'clock Saturday. Those unable to apply at that time may obtain the orders at the door Monday night.
The Committee publishes the following information for the benefit of those who will attend the dance:
In order to facilitate the introduction of partners, men whose names are lower alphabetically are to go the boxes of those men whose names are higher alphabetically, and will there be introduced. A directory of the ladies with a plan of the boxes will be given out at the dance to aid men in finding their partners.
Taxicab service has been arranged with the Rocket Taxi Company, of Boston, whereby a 20 per cent, reduction will be allowed to members of the Junior Class. Men must order their own taxicabs for after the dance, as there will be no taxis waiting. The same rebate is understood for taxi service after the dance. Any changes in regard to this service will be published in Monday's CRIMSON.
A Box: P. M. Cabot, chairman, and Miss Paine, C. P. Reynolds and Miss Anna B. Perkins, Moseley Taylor and Miss Catharine Royce, F. G. Balch and Miss Lucy B. Balch, E. F. Henderson and Miss Betty Barnes, J. L. Weld.
Box 1: C. L. Harrison, chairman, and Miss Isabella Mumford, J. M. Franklin and Miss Jeanette Jennings, H. G. Kelleher and Miss Louisa Hoar, S. E. Peabody and Miss Eleanor Sprague, S. W. Dickey and Miss Alice Seabury, W. B. Beale and Miss Polly Damrosche, G. C. White and Miss Louise L. White, E. Holt.
Box 2: A. C. Sullivan, chairman, and Miss Paula Forster, W. B. Clough and Miss Eleanor Hill, R. C. Cooke, H. S. Kenney and Miss Barbara Farley, W. Moore and Miss Alicia M. Kennedy, W. J. Murray and Miss Cecil Barter, N. V. Nelson and Miss Ruth M. Todd, F. H. Stephens and Miss Murial Childs, J. F. Stuart and Miss Irene Carruthers, F. G. Lockwood.
Box 3: H. Talcott, chairman, and Miss Harriet Amory, T. L. Storer and Miss Virginia Baker, T. Mackie and Miss Susan Lee, F. DeVeau and Miss Lydia Storer, F. Knauth and Miss Margot Amory, P. Squibb and Miss Agnes Grew, G. Johnson and Miss Elizabeth Zerrahn, L. K. Moorehead and Miss Elsie Nichols, L. Poor and Miss Frances Thomas.
Box 4: S. N. Dunton, chairman, and Miss Dorothy Richards, A. J. Keele and Miss Dorothy Weinschenk, C. S. Nickerson and Miss Helen D. Nickerson, J. C. Scanlon and Miss Catharine M. Scanlon, W. G. O. Christiansen and Miss Dorothy Cooke, T. F. Danehy and Miss Helen Danehy, W. A. Hosmer and Miss Doris Howard, H. P. Watjen and Miss Lillian Russert, F. L. Carrier and Miss Marian Bock, R. Tucker and Miss Krebel, L. G. Darrow and Miss Stearns, W. L. Prosser and Miss Helen Pierce, G. F. Hughes.
Box 5: R. H. Garrison, chairman, and Miss Therese Perkins, Mrs. Charles P. Lincoln, Mrs. George H. Browne, J. W. Angell and Miss Bettina Savage, H. Briggs and Miss Martha P. Lincoln, D. G. Foster and Miss Mildred Green, H. D. Jordan and Miss Miriam T. Wilson, H. Montgomery and Miss Charlotte Montgomery, R. L. Moore and Miss Barbara Fiske, W. B. Southworth and Miss A. S. Browne, W. S. Whiting and Miss Marian Dix, G. C. Means and Miss Hortense Sauveur.
Box 6: A. H. Hayden, chairman, and Miss Emily Tillinghast, T. Hollis, Jr., and Miss Hilda B. Smith, J. F. Howe and Miss Margaret Cooke, R. K. Byers and Miss Jessie Cordingly, P. K. Ellis and Miss Florence M. Bartlett, R. M. Loring and Miss Rose Daniels, S. Kaiser and Miss Ruth Slocum, F. E. Raymond and Miss Augustine VanWinckle, M. P. Delano and Miss Hazel Holmes, T. Jenney and Miss Catharine G. Porter.
Box 7: H. M. Merrill, chairman, and Miss Eleanor Carlisle, F. M. Atwood and Miss Dorothy Hall, L. B. Drake and Miss Mildred Allison, F. R. Hulme and Miss Elizabeth Coggeshall, D. C. Jackson, Jr., and Miss Christine S. Spofford, K. L. Maclachlan and Miss Olga Clark, C. W. Manning and Miss Frances Hastings, H. S. Walker and Miss Kathleyne S. Snow, A. L. Whitman and Miss Frances Hartwell.
Box 8: H. H. Tewksbury, chairman, and Miss Dorothy Newton, P. G. DeRosay and Miss Maria Keppel, W. H. Gardner and Miss Lucy Nash, F. West and Miss Marjorie H. Bent, M. C. Rees and Miss Katharine F. Hersey, R. H. Kenyon and Miss Doris E. Tucker, R. M. Lovett, Jr., and Miss Beatrice Lovett, P. S. Foisie and Miss Margaret Birch, F. D. Manson and Miss Neike.
Box 9: T. R. Morse, chairman, and Miss Olivia Lowell, D. B. Arnold and Miss Elizabeth Whiting, W. Elliott and Miss Agnes Means, A. D. Weld and Miss Ellen Cutis, R. U. Whitney and Miss Lucy Burgess, M. Wiggin and Miss Eunice Taylor, H. G. Reynolds and Miss Barbara Rice.
Box 10: H. H. Silliman, chairman, and Miss Bernice E. Schmidt, J. K. Berry and Miss Eileen Fielding Jones, A. E. Rowse and Miss Cobb, R. W. Potter and Miss Lucille Andrews, H. M. Lange and Miss Amy Brown, R. E. Dickerman and Miss Marion Hall, W. C. McIndoe and Miss Beatrice McIndoe, J. C. Moore and Miss Dorothea Moore, H. B. McGuire.
Box 11: W. W. Spencer, chairman, and Miss Henrietta B. Faxon, D. M. Brunswick and Miss Ruth Adler, R. S. Coit and Miss Mary C. Coit, E. Kiernan and Miss Dorothy C. Lee, B. W. Knowlton and Miss Carolyn W. Young, D. Gregg and Miss Carolyn Shumaker, W. C. Collins and Miss Karen Dahlgren.
Box 12: L. B. Means, chairman, and Miss Frances Clarke, F. D. Harrower and Miss Christiana Councilman, W. H. Russell and Miss Bliss, A. L. Richmond and Miss Mary Sigourney, J. Mitchell, R. H. Cobb and Miss Helen W. Hart.
Box 13: H. Davis, chairman, and Miss Louise Perry, Mrs. H. A. Davis, T. B. Mallory and Miss Katharine Billings, W. B. Castle and Miss Sarah Bradley, G. W. Taylor and Miss Helen Lewis, R. T. Catterall and Miss Alice Forbes, H. B. Sprague and Miss Lucy E. Sprague, F. Bocher and Miss Frieda B. R. Osgood, E. R. Weinberg and Miss Margaret H. Withrow.
Box 14: P. F. LeFevre, chairman, and Miss Charlotte Stimpson, H. P. Forrester and Miss McArthur, B. P. Flickinger and Miss Adelaide Kondolph, W. P. Hardy and Miss Myra E. McLane, B. V. Im- brie, Miss Kennedy and Mrs. A. M. Imbrie, T. S. Talbot and Miss Marion Giddings, R. A. May and Miss Martha D. Snow, E. V. French and Miss Mary Reed.
Box 15: C. W. Henry, chairman, and Miss Margaret Hubbell, Mrs. I. W. Henry, I. Alvord and Miss Madeline Weston, C. B. Blaisdell and Miss Jeanette Chamberlain, R. O. Chaffee and Miss Ruth F. Morgan, J. Cooper and Miss Margaret Cooper, K. B. Gaston and Miss A. Dorothy Shipley, R. P. Place and Miss Ruth M. Faulkner, L. A. Wheeler and Miss Barbara Russell, W. Young and Miss Janet Newton.
Box 16: D. McElwain, chairman, and Miss Augusta Converse, L. M. Pratt, Jr., and Miss Elsie Dow, R. K. Osborne and Miss Martha S. Warren, A. Putnam and Miss Cock, W. S. Crocker and Miss Sarah Sherborne, C. G. Parker and Miss Augusta Prescott, H. Gage, Jr., and Miss Helen Crocker.
Box 17: J. Palache, chairman, and Miss Dorothy Henry, D. L. Richardson and Miss Julia Lyman, F. V. Peale and Miss Edith Fredericks, C. B. Balch and Miss Mabel Churchill, W. S. Burrage and Miss Elizabeth Hoar, L. A. Perkins and Miss Harriet H. Cook, T. H. Fisher and Miss Margaret Shortall.
Box 18: R. Horween, chairman, and Miss Margaret Watson, C. P. Vogel and Miss Margaret Davis, G. A. King and Miss Mildred McCullom, R. G. Brown and Miss Mary Marsh, A. M. Geer and Miss Dorothy Lindsey, J. F. A. Davis and Miss Margaret Geer, A. S. Francis and Miss Louise Jennison.
Box 19: W. P. Hewitt, chairman, and Miss Marjory White, H. A. Curtis and Miss Ruth Sawyer, H. T. Davis and Miss Beryl E. Sawyer, C. P. Wallace and Miss Beatrice Brown, R. J. Stiles and Miss Leotine B. Robinson, H. F. Zartman and Miss Helen G. Shaw, R. H. Brooks and Miss Katharine Dow, C. E. Fraser and Miss Esther Stevens, O. K. Fried and Miss Delphine Carpenter, W. P. Palmer and Miss Marjorie B. Piper.
Box 20: H. A. LaTour, chairman, and Miss Helen A. Lamb, G. C. Wilkins and Miss Vera Huy, V. B. Kellett and Miss Mildred Kent, R. Batchelder and Miss Dorothy Prentice, H. B. Griffiths and Miss Rosalind Hurtubit, R. W. Clarke and Miss Marjorie Braddock, C. V. Traphagen and Miss Ruth Farnham.
Box 21: F. C. DeWolf, chairman, and Miss Dorothea Brownell, A. L. Carroll and Miss Dorothy Parker, H. Scholle and Miss Klapp, G. H. Bartlett and Miss Marjorie E. Parsons, A. C. Eastman and Miss Eliza Davis, P. M. Morgan and Miss Shepherd.
Box 22: C. W. Timpson, chairman, and Miss M. Timpson and Mrs. Timpson, L. Simons and Miss Carol Percy, J. L. Hubbard and Miss Alice DeWolf, J. F. Rolph and Miss Delha Brown, F. B. Todd and Miss Elizabeth Merrill, S. Rollins and Miss Elizabeth Carter, H. Robb and Miss Roberta Wiley, C. W. W. Heffenger.
Box 23: T. A. Smith, chairman, and Miss Madge Smith, M. Blodgett and Miss Frances K. Barthell, W. Driscoll and Miss Elinor Driscoll, F. T. Donahue and Miss Dorothy Downey, W. S. Libbey and Miss Ruth Lovell, D. O. Woodbury and Miss Margaret Lee.
Box 24: H. Shortall, chairman, and Miss Sophia Morris, A. W. Clark and Miss Rosamound Eliot, G. C. Demeter and Miss Blanche M. Harvey, E. M. French and Miss Katharine Burton, S. M. W. Gray and Miss Beatrice Jennison, J. P. Gundry and Miss Marian K. Dietz, M. V. Turner and Miss Dorothy Harding.
Box 25: C. Adams, chairman, and Miss G. Viola MacDougall, W. H. Wheeler and Miss Mary Lanier, L. Higgins and Miss Lillian MacDougall, A. A. Cook and Miss Katharine E. Shove, A. E. MacDougall and Miss Priscilla R. Bigelow, G. DeL Harris and Miss Mary Gaston
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Reserve Officers' Training Corps