Slowly but steadily the moderate, intellectually balanced undergraduates are rallying around the standard of intelligent preparedness. The last day of the enrolment drive is here. The heavy guns and the lighter artillery have shelled the enemy's entrenchments for an entire week with countless rounds of written and verbal exhortation. Since the ground in front of Hill No. 1200 has been well prepared, today's final charge ough to be a triumphant rush.
The number of men enrolled in the R. O. T. U. by tonight will place Harvard either far in the lead of the march toward an adequate and honorable defence for our country, or it will signify that Harvard is content to wait conservatively for another braver body to blaze the trail. Those in the van of any new movement must withstand constant attacks from groups of individuals who are compelled to join the camp of the opposition because of their inherent desire to appear individual, obstinate or wise on account of their aloofness. But no specious arguments nor altruistic dreams should blind one man to the duty that rests on each of us.
If war should not come, as we trust it will not, those men who have done their part will feel no cause for regret. If war should come, as we feel it will, how many those men face their flag who talk so valiantly now of peace? Their thought, when they see their companions prepared in all earnestness to make good their loyalty, must be exceedingly bitter.
Today is the chance for you. No Self-interest, no shuffling of the demands of conscience, no sophistry about the holiness of peace, should shake you. Be true to your manhood, to your education, to your youth. The time is now. In three months it may be too late.
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Reserve Officers' Training Corps