The triangular track meet next Saturday evening should have the utmost support of the University. In the winter season we are called upon seldom to support our teams by active interest. All the more we should show those who train so long and faithfully to add to Harvard's athletic honor that the men they represent are behind them.
The University has been represented in the past, and is represented now, by notable teams. Yet the very incentive which impels those teams to victory through arduous training and self-sacrifice fails if any indifference or spirit of disregard springs up among the students.
So far Pennsylvania undergraduates have applied for over a hundred seats for Saturday's games, and Dartmouth has reserved over three hundred seats. The University has applied for less than a hundred. Surely Dartmouth's loyalty is not thrice as great as Harvard's. Men cannot say that in the danger of war all other things are cast aside, for the movies and theatres are still popular and well attended.
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