


In a fast and hard practice game with the B. A. A. yesterday afternoon the University hockey team easily defeated the Boston aggregation by a 4 to 0 score. The latter seven was reinforced by the return to the game of Skilton, who was in the lineup yesterday for the first time in several weeks. Notwithstanding his hard playing, the combination work of the Crimson players was such that it overcame the less united work of the B. A. A.

T. H. Eckfeldt '17 received a large cut over his eye in the course of the practice which will keep him out of the game for a day or two. It is not known whether or not he will be able to play by next Saturday.

The first goal was scored by Baker from a mixup and the second was the result of a pass back by Rice which gave Percy a clear shot. The third was made by Kissel, who pushed the puck into the cage before the B. A. A. goal tender, who had stopped Rice's hard shot, could push it aside. Kissel scored again later on a pretty angle shot from the boards and played a hard aggressive game throughout.

Freshman Managers Appointed.

Edmund William Payenstedt, Jr., '20, of New York, N. Y., has been appointed manager of the 1920 hockey team, and Ludlow Thomas Lanman '20, of Lawrence, L. I., N. Y., has been appointed assistant manager. The managers of the dormitory teams have been announced as follows: Smith, Lyell Hale Ritchie '20, of Hinsdale, Ill.; Standish, James Brown Mabon, Jr., '20, of New York, N. Y.; Gore, John Lothrop Rochester '20, of Buffalo, N. Y. These appointments are subject to the approval of the Athletic Committee and the executive committee of the Student Council.


Freshmen Meet Yale Friday.

The Freshman hockey team will clash with the Yale 1920 seven in the Arena next Friday evening, February 16, in the last game of the season. The Crimson yearlings have won five games so far and lost two, and the record of the Yale freshmen is equally good. Two sections will be organized into cheering sections for the game. Tickets of admittance at 75 cents and $1 may be obtained at the H. A. A. and from J. B. Mabon '20, Standish A35; J. L. Rochester '20, James Smith C42; and L. H. Ritchie '20, Standish D21.
