In this period of international distrust and suspicion one of the most reassuring signs is the good feeling which prevails between the students of different countries. This evening's hockey game is an example. The players of McGill University should be greeted with all friendliness and respect, for their opinion of the reception we give them will go a long way towards promoting or hindering the cordiality which should exist between the United States and her neighbor to the north. It is much more than an intercollegiate contest. It is a contest between two traditions of the sport, and in a certain sense between two countries. Too often this sort of competition is marred by a distorted patriotism which takes the form of hatred and prejudice against the representatives of the other nation. Let us hope that this particular manifestation of childishness will not be seen tonight. Our country is at an acute crisis. It cannot afford to make enemies, even in a way apparently so unimportant. Our Canadian opponents should be greeted by a large crowd in an enthusiastic spirit of friendly rivalry.
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