The Nominating Committee of the Phillips Brooks House Association has made the following nominations for officers of the association for the year 1917-18:
President: Charles Parker, Reynolds '18, of Readville; Paul Squibb '18, of Bernardsville, N. J.
Vice-President: Lloyd Kirkham Garrison '19, of New York, N. Y.; Duncan Hicks Read '19, of Purchase, N. Y.
Secretary: Ellerton James Brehaut '18, of Manchester, N. H.; Alexander Ector Our Munsell '18, of Chestnut Hill.
Treasurer: Cass Canfield '19, of Roslyn, L. I., N. Y.; Russell Cobb '19, of New York, N. Y.; Augustus Thorndike Jr., '19, of Boston.
Librarian: Ralph Shephard Damon '18, of Waterloo, N. Y.; Royal Little '19, of Brookline.
Additional nominations may be made in position of 20 members not later than one week previous to the election, in accordance with provisions of the constitution, Article 8, Section 2, that the election of officers shall be by Australian ballot on a day set by the executive cabinet within the first or second week of the second half year, the election will take place this year at Phillips Brooks House on Tuesday, February 20. The polls will be open from 8 to 5 o'clock.
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