


In the Stadium today at 2 o'clock the Charlestown Navy Yard and the Newport Naval Reserves battle for the service football championship of the East. Preparations for the contest ended for both squads yesterday with light workouts and a final rehearsal of plays.

The forwards from tackle to tackle on the two elevens are well balanced. Camp Devens' backfield, which included T. C. Thacher '18 and H. W. Minot '17 from the University could make no gains through the middle of the Newport line, while against the all-star collegians at Beverly and in the game with the Philadelphia Marines the defensive work of the Navy Yard linemen figured prominently. A. Horween '20 at centre on the Charlestown team will have a hard, fast playing opponent in Callaban, formerly of Yale. Black, 1916 Yale captain, and Grotemat compose the Naval Reserve guard combination, and they will meet two heavy players in C. A. Clark, Jr., '19 and Shea of Worcester Academy. Algar, a former Tufts star, who has played regularly at guard, will be kept from the game by injuries.

In the tackle positions the Newport team has the advantage, with Schlachter, a strong Syracuse player, and J. L. Bigelow '16, who was on the 1915 University squad. They will oppose Adams of Tufts and O'Connor from Georgetown. The forwards on both teams are of equal calibre, with Skilton on the Navy Yard eleven and Green of the same team outclassing their opponents.

Stars in Backfield.

It is in the backfields, however, that the most well-known players are. Coach Leary has in his hard-running combination T. H. Enwright '18, a star line plunger, E. L. Casey '19 and Cannell of Dartmouth, all elusive backs on end and off-tackle plays. The field generalship is in the hands of W. J. Murray '18. On the Rhode Island team there are Barrett of Cornell, star runner and kicker, Cerrish of Dartmouth, a hard line-plunging back, and Purdy, who played at Brown. Hite and Gardner from the Middle West are also strong players.
