The Honorable William Jennings Bryan, one of the foremost speakers in the country today, will address the Law and Graduate students of the University at the regular meeting of the Graduate Schools Society Sunday evening. Because of the interest in the former Secretary of State, the place of meeting has been transferred from Phillips Brooks House to the auditorium of Langdell Hall at the Law School. The meeting, which will begin at 8 o'clock, will, however, be open exclusively to men in the Law and Graduate schools.
Mr. Bryan will speak upon some aspect of the war and the national situation. As yet the exact subject upon which he will talk has not been announced. Before his resignation from the Cabinet Mr. Bryan's attitude toward the war was severely criticized, and he was accused of being a pacifist. Since our entrance into the war, however, he has steadfastly upheld the policy of the administration and at present is on a speaking tour in which he is doing much to awaken the country.
There is hardly a more interesting career than Bryan's in the history of American politics. When he was 31 years old he entered Congress, and since then he has been continually before the public. At 36 years of age he was nominated as the Democratic candidate for President, but was defeated by McKinley.
At Denver in 1908 he was for the third time nominated for President, but received only a third of the votes in the electoral college. Four years later he was once more mentioned for the Presidency, but did not receive the nomination.