The 1917-18 hockey season will open officially on Thursday, December 6, when candidates for the Freshman team will meet in the Common Room of Smith Halls at 7 o'clock. Managerial candidates from 1921 will also be called out on that day, and will report in Randolph 32 at 1.15 o'clock.
R. E. Gross '19, one of the three members of last year's University squad now in College, and E. W. Pavenstedt '20, manager of last winter's Freshman seven, will be the speakers. The former will act as coach of the 1921 team for the early part of the season at least, although efforts are being made to obtain some other suitable man who would not be eligible for an upper-class team. Gross will outline to the Freshman players the general plan for the development of the team, Pavenstedt is to be in charge of the managerial competition and will describe the facilities for practice and the details of the schedule.
Until the rink on Soldiers Field is ready for use, there is no prospect of real practice, since no arrangements have been made yet for the use of the Arena, which opens on Saturday, December 8.
Freshman Managers Out.
The managerial competitions will be a comparatively short one, ending about February 15. No previous experience is necessary. The competition includes taking charge of the details of practice and games and doing, under supervision, nearly all the work connected with the management of the informal and Freshman teams. There are five places to be filled, those of manager and assistant manager of the Freshman team, and the managership of the three dormitory sevens. Exact details will be given at the meeting.
In all probability there will be no competition for second assistant manager open to members of 1920.
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