


NAVY YARD  MARINES Lally, l.e.  r.e., Wilson Adams, l.t.  r.t., Little Algar, l.g.  r.g., Garlow Horween, c.  c., Wray Clark, r.g.  l.g., Gardner O'Connor, r.t.  l.t., Dale Skilton, r.e.  l.e., Donovan Murray, q.b.  q.b., Scott Cannell, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Owens Casey, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Quigley Enwright, f.b.  f.b., Mahan

As the weather and field conditions prevented the playing of the Navy-Marine football game Saturday, the entire program will be given in the Stadium this afternoon at 2 o'clock. The game will be preceded by the military athletic carnival, as originally planned, and the proceeds will go to the Navy Welfare Fund.

For the sailor eleven the postponement was of great advantage, because of the light weight of the team. In the backfield Cannell of Dartmouth, W. J. Murray '18 and E. L. Casey '19, form a fast but light trio. T. H. Enwright '18 at fullback is the only heavy runner on the squad, unless A. Horween '20 is shifted from the line to the backfield. C. A. Clark, Jr., '19 and Algar of Tufts are heavy men in the centre of the line, and if Coach Leary keeps Horween at centre, from tackle to tackle the line will average nearly 200 pounds. Skilton, the B. A. A. hockey star, is a clever end and should outweigh his League Island opponent.

The former University captain has strengthened his Marine team by adding Quigley, from this year's Pennsylvania eleven, to his lineup. With Scott, the Lafayette star, Quigley and himself in the backfield, Mahan has a powerful offensive combination.

Wray, former Penn, centre, and Garlow, the Carlisle Indian, are fast men in the centre of the line, while Dale from Kansas and Little, also from Penn., are hard playing tackles. Avery of Penn, and Donovan will find hard work against Skilton and Lally on the ends.


Although the teams are nearly equal in individual strength, the versatile Mahan, with his "threat" offensive, outweighs any attack which the sailors may present, while the Navy Yard has a great advantage over the Marines in that Coach Leary has had actual charge of the squad for several weeks. In that time he has equipped the eleven with typical University formations. With the Marines, Mahan has done the entire coaching and has had difficulty in collecting a squad and in maintaining a regular practice season
