
Last Groups of Exams. Listed

The last two groups of the special mid-year examinations offered by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences to the members of the R. O. T. C. who are going to the third Officers' Training Camp, and to other men leaving College after the Christmas vacation, will be held today and Monday in Harvard 2. The list follows: Today. 2 P. M. Botany 8.  French 3. Chemistry 22.  German F. Economics 3.  Slavic 4. 7 P. M. Chemistry 6.  History 30a. Engin. Sciences 8.  Music 3. English 72.  Philosophy 6a. Geology 4. Monday. 9 A. M. Economics 18a.  French 2. English A.  History 55. Fine Arts 1a.  Semitic 9. Fine Arts 5e. 2 P. M. Economics 6a.  Mathematics C. English 28.  Music 4. English 33.  Navy Course 3. French 6.  Psychology 2. Government 14.  Rom. Philol. 6. Greek 6.  Zoology 1.
