

List of Twenty-Four Examinations Scheduled by Authorities For Today.

Twenty-four special mid-year examinations will be given today in the fourth and fifth groups of tests for men entering service in January. Of these, 13 will be held in Harvard 2 at 2 o'clock, and 11 at the same place at 7 o'clock. Only those who have made arrangements with the Recorder's Office may take the tests. None of the examinations will be less than two, or more than three hours in length.

The following regulations are printed for the benefit of those concerned:

"No student is permitted to take any books or papers into the examination room except by express direction of the instructor. No communication is permitted between students in the examination room on any subject whatever. A student who is not in the examination room within five minutes after the hour appointed for the examination shall not be admitted without permission of the instructor or of the officer in general charge of the examinations."


2 P. M.


Economics '9.

English 2.

French 4.

Geography 1.

Government 5a.

History 17a.

Latin 6.

Mathematics E

Philosophy A.

Philosophy C.

Philosophy 3.

Physics 1.

Social Ethics 5.

7 P. M.

Astronomy 2a.

Chemistry B.

Economics A.

Economics 4a.

Education 12a.

English 41.

Fine Arts 5h.

Government 4.

History 14.

Italian 1.

Spanish 7.


2.30 P. M.

Astronomy 1.

Chemistry 3.

Economics 1a.

Engin. Sci. 3.

English 3a.

Fine Arts 1c.

Government 31

History 32a.

Latin B.

Philosophy 7.

Social Ethics 4.

Spanish 5.

German A.

7 P. M.

Chemistry 5.

Comp. Lit. 12.

English 39.

Fine Arts 2b.

German 4.

Government 1.

Mathematics 1.

Music 1a.
