

Funeral of Lt. Greene to be Performed at Cambridge Church.

The funeral of Lieutenant Edward F. Greene, U. S. N., retired, who died on Tuesday afternoon, will be held in Christ's Church, Episcopalian, in Cambridge, at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Classes in the University from 1.30 to 2.30 o'clock will be suspended so that students may be allowed to attend the funeral; and the special mid-year examinations for the members of the R. O. T. C. who are going to the third officers' training camp at Yaphank will be postponed from 2 o'clock till 2.30, consequently extending half an hour after the time already announced for their close. It is planned that the members of the University School for Ensigns who were in Lieutenant Greene's classes will march behind the funeral procession and be present at the services in a body.

Lieutenant Greene had been assigned by the Navy Department to the Ensign School early in October, since which time, with assistant instructors, he has been giving lectures and the technical instruction in ordnance, gunnery, naval regulations, and other subjects.
